Hi there fellow mommies!
How are you coping with your kids’ education? A lot of countries in Asia now are currently dealing with this new style of education. In my country, our Department of Education (DepEd) has decided to continue the studies of the learners through blended learning. The DepEd and parents agreed to this style of learning instead of wasting their children’s time doing nothing or just spending most of their time on gadgets or any computer games.
I think it’s a good decision to continue the learning. However, not everyone can afford to study from home because not everyone has the learning materials that they need such as computers and a reliable internet connection.
In that case, these students have to study on their own through the learning modules that the school provides. This makes parents ask, “How effective is blended learning?” for the different kinds of learners.
- Auditory and musical learners.
- Visual and spatial learner
- Verbal learner
- Logical and mathematical learner
- Physical or kinesthetic learner
- Social and interpersonal learner
- Solitary and intrapersonal learner
Let me share my thoughts on this matter and I would also like to share a video of my daughter on how she copes with the new normal .
For the advantages, learners continue to learn new lessons and they will be more exposed to technology as early as now. Parents have got more time to bond with their children by helping them with their school works especially for those who are learning offline. Some students also learn how to be independent.
How about the disadvantages? Some students claim that they are not learning anything because some parents failed to guide their children for the reason, they’re busy at work or they have forgotten the lessons. Some students prefer to study with a group and the guidance of a teacher. How about you mommies? What are your experiences so far?
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